Staff Sgt. Millard D. Campbell

His nicknames were “Dee” and “Soup,” and he was from Angelton, Texas.

Dee was the NCO, Daily Flight Operations. He accepted his duties without question, carrying them out with resounding quality and expertise. He had effectively transitioned into his new position prior to deploying to Saudi. His job required technical knowledge to make quick and precise decisions. He not only performed brilliantly at that position but also at operations scheduling.

Dee was quiet and mild-mannered. He was the right hand of all supervisors. He made sure all operation specialists assigned to him were well taken care of. He always made sure all the younger airmen had somewhere to go during the holidays.

He loved baseball and was drafted out of high school to play professionally, but he declined and took a scholarship to attend college instead. After meeting his wife, Marie, he joined the Air Force. He, of course, played squadron softball leading his team in hits, home runs, and RBIs.

Dee was a class act and will be missed by all.